WTF! Women Talk Finance
WTF! Women Talk Finance podcast brings you weekly episodes from the world of finance, created specifically for women! Learn from Candace Powell & Jacqueline Kuiper, both experienced finance professionals, as we explore real estate, how to invest with confidence, and how to ask for a raise! We'll talk to women in the industry and have conversations that will resonate and inspire! Thanks for listening - we appreciate you!
WTF! Women Talk Finance
Episode 036 - Growing Minds: Empowering Students through School Gardens with Ciara Byrne
Meet Ciara Byrne the Founder & Co-CEO of Green Our Planet
Ciara is a documentary filmmaker and social impact entrepreneur.
In 2013 Ciara and Kim MacQuarrie founded Green Our Planet and together with their team they helped create one of the largest and most comprehensive school garden and hydroponics programs in the United States.
Currently, Green Our Planet is operating in 10 states and impacting over 140,000 students.
In 2019 Ciara was selected from 5,000 applications along with 19 other nonprofit leaders to be a 2019 Obama Fellow. The Obama Foundation is supporting Ciara and the team at Green Our Planet to scale their program across the United States and beyond.
In 2001, Ciara set up and ran a film production company, Lion Television, with offices in LA and New York. During that time, she managed over 60 employees and produced hundreds of films a year for PBS, The Discovery Channel, National Geographic, PBS, BBC, Fox, and E!
Ciara uses her background in television to include educational films as a core part of the Green Our Planet offerings to schools.
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