WTF! Women Talk Finance

EP 020 - Creative Entrepreneurship and Legal Protections with guest Wynne Reece - Creatives Counsel

Rowe Media & Servicing Season 1 Episode 20

From creative to legal, Wynne links two things that don’t often mesh naturally, and shares how and why they need to coexist in business.

We’ve talked with Wynne before, and just can’t get enough. As a self-described “conscientious lawyer and public speaker, fueled by hard work, passion, and success, with tireless support for others.”, Wynne has seen the many pieces that play into making business work.

Wynne runs Reece Law [] with her father, Jim Reece, and founded The Creative's Counsel® [] -- a legal niche which provides services to entrepreneurs and creatives. Specializing in corporate, intellectual property, and mergers and acquisitions, The Creative's Counsel® supports businesses in an outside general counsel capacity. Their motto is, “We work, so that you can dream.” 

In finding a path for entrepreneurs and creatives to understand and own their businesses, Wynne relies on her own success in marrying the two pieces. 

This conversation serves up concrete to-dos in order to get a business or idea rolling, and offers a shift in perspective so, as a creative, your dreams and desires translate to those in the logistics side of things. Come along with us as we discuss:

  • Wynne’s starting point for all creatives of “What do you want and need from this venture?”
  • the sometimes-rough truth to what entrepreneurship looks like IRL vs. on social
  • how and why messaging to entrepreneurs shifts depending on their phase of life
  • the down-and-dirty of starting a business, and warnings on not getting duped
  • what causes burnout and how Wynne suggests protecting yourself against it
  • where to really spend the money

Here’s a look at the episode:

  • [1:11] A recent study showed that 72% of Gen Z wants to start their own company. Wynne thinks that number may be low.
  • [5:22] Wynne has different messages for those younger dreamers versus the seasoned professionals who are reinventing themselves.
  • [7:49] The down-and-dirty of starting a business has a number of important pieces. (*This is NOT legal advice. These are our opinions only). Take notes here – you’ll be glad you did!
  • [13:51] Burnout is a real thing and WILL happen at some point, and can be harder without the right team in place. Rather than trying to do it all and be it all, consider what the right team can do to let you thrive.
  • [15:10] Three things Candace believes you always need to spend money on…and how it will serve you.
  • [16:35] When the need arises for the creative to put on the analytical hat - and it will – there’s a trick to speaking the right language to the right people in order to move yourself forward in an easy way.
  • [20:14] Creatives often walk in to a potential partnership sharing their vision and dream, while executives are looking for the best bet for their business. Those opposing views can be detrimental, but that’s where the business is happening. Figuring out how to marry the two will bring it all to fruition.

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